Monday, August 18, 2008


strategies how to create Internet café business

By Erny Setyawati

Internet is like hamburger or hot dog that so
popular between children, teenagers and adults. The Internet users tend grows
especially in Asia now days. Based on Jupiter Research proved, Asia grows to
42 percent of the world's population with regular Internet access, 5 % more
than today. China and India will take a place Internet access than America and
Canada reputation. The condition is supported by infrastructure development.

The global technology improvement makes people think to create a
new business
to Internet access oriented. People become create Internet
café business. We can see few countries in Asia, Internet Café
business becomes booming. We try to discuss few strategies how to create Internet
Café business below, how to begin, design and find target

1.Finding strategies places.

Building Internet Café business, we must think strategies places. We
must choose strategies places that near to community, crowded population that
lack of infrastructure so that people tend to go to your Internet café.
Consider to make research first in order to know how far people needed to access

2.Building infrastructure

Prepare your desk stop computers, laptops, servers and AC that have minimize
electricity energy so that you will not spend much money to pay electricity
bill. Create simple network so that can recovery so soon, if there is trouble.

3.Human resources

Prepare yourself to know about hardware, network trouble shooting. Avoid to
rent expert, because you will spend much money. You can rent expert, if you
can not overcome infrastructure trouble.

4. Room design

Design an Internet café room as nice as possible so that your customers
become enjoy and stay long in your café. Keep your customers privacy.
Do not create sitting position so near between others customers.

5. Give free bonus

Give free bonus, as free drink, snack and candies. This innovative invites new
customers come to your Internet Café.

6.Campaign your new Internet Café through brochures, sales letter, newspaper
and Radio.

7.High speed Internet access

You must control Internet speed access every time. Your customers will run away
because of this problem.

The last think that you must consider before begin business. Count your operational
cost carefully, as electricity cost, Internet connection, cleaning service and

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