Thursday, July 19, 2007

The strategies how to avoid aging process fast
By Erny Setyawati

The women and men always dream to have good health and look beautiful, although aging process must come in their life. Beauticians and researchers try to find new method and breakthroughs. People tend to do diet; sport and going to beautician in order to avoid aging process. Preventing is important to do, to avoid aging process so fast.
Based on chemistry experts, found many strategies how to look and feel younger than before, see their suggestion.

1. Diet for three days
According Nicholas Perricone, MD, in his book of 7 Secrets to Beauty, Health, longevity, suggest to diet for three days. Eat boiling salmon and vegetable salad twice a day. He suggests eating egg, chicken, adding with fresh fruit and vegetable salad one a day. Drink green tea and clear water eight glasses a day. Tips keeping your face fresh and look young, avoid sugar and carbohydrate.

2. Using sunscreen
According dermatology expert, Frederic Brandt, MD, caused of wrinkle on your face because of sun. Using sunscreen is effective. Avoid using a straw when you are drinking. You always use it, impact to create soft wrinkle on your face.

3. Eat ginger and turmeric to avoid cancer and have long live
Why do the Japanese like to drink turmeric mixture with tea? According to expert, Andrew Weil, MD, in his book Healthy aging, turmeric and ginger make you feel young, soothe from arthritis, colitis and digestion problem. Turmeric and ginger can prevent from breast cancer, lung cancer and skin cancer.

4. Making a love can improve your spirit and antidepressant
Based on expert, Laura Berman PhD, in her book Passion Prescription: Ten weeks to your Best Sex – Everl, orgasm can cause oxytocin and endorphins flow, to improve the spirit and natural antidepressant to brain so that can improve resistance to disease.

5. Intake the good fat
To keep your heart stable, suggest to intake fat acid omega 3 from walnut, fat fish and flaxseed. The fat can prevent inflammation; the inflammation in artery can cause coroner artery disease.

6. Taking a walk after intake food with high fat
Taking a walk for one hour wiser after eat steak. The steak can cause your artery strike.

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The strategies how to burn fat on your stomach

By Erny Setyawati
Our appearance become not elegance and looks bad, if we have much fat on our stomach. The strategies that people have done through diet and decrease to intake food, but today many researchers found that go on foot can decrease fat around your stomach.
According report, Journal of American Medical said that women take strategies to go on foot for five times a week for only 20 minutes, decrease their fat on stomach than women do sport with higher energy. People are always diligent to go on foot can decrease 11 % visceral fat, the strong fat around our organ.
Beside the problems above, the experts have found that there were three difference fats. We should find the caused of fat stomach first, and try to find the solution.

1. Decreasing stomach fat because of stress
We produce much insulin to burn to be energy when stress and tired, but the highest insulin makes testosterone improve. The risk, our body keeps fat in the stomach when facing stress in order to save energy.
The solution,
According of research, Fairleigh Diskinson University at Teaneck New Jersey said that go on foot while we are listening IPOD, walkman or Radio help to decrease fat on the stomach, testosterone almost 50 %, compare with go on foot on the place.
According research of Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada, music can motivate to go on foot farer.

2. Decreasing stomach fat after giving birth
Our abdominal muscle including rectus abdominus tend to spread to 300 % after giving birth.
We do contraction practice for abdominal muscle while we are going on foot . According Denise Austin, your stomach will be flat forever, but how to do it. Pull your navel to your back bone after going on foot few steps. Repeat the action over and over.

3. Decreasing stomach fat after perimenapause.
The women tend to change their hormonal when they are perimenapause.
According Journal of American Medical Association suggest to women, going on foot for 45 minutes with slow walking without sweaty, decrease 7 % than going on foot fast.

4. Varieties of food should we eat
Eat good nutrient. The nutrient can give nutrition to your body so that your stamina better for do activities.
Eat omega 3 from fish, lobster, walnut, almond, flaxseed, flaxseed oil.
The fat acid from omega 3 can improve leptin ( hormone ) that help to burn more fat for energy.
Fibrous consume
Fibrous food can take from vegetables, fruits, bread and wheat flour. Consume fibrous food can help to throw inflammatory cytokines away that make the fat enzyme is so active.
Fibrous food can help to slow glucose to blood flow, decrease to consume sugar and feeling full.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Set Up Winning Web Page To Be Powerful Selling Tool - 5 Ways to Help Affiliate Problems

By Erny Setyawati

The Internet is powerful selling tool. Never before has been easier to start a business, be able to reach out to literally millions of potential customers and make your business succeed.

Yet time has taught us that there is much more to success that simply having a website or using these tools.

A lot of money can be made from affiliate programs and the cost for getting started is generally free, however in order to promote them effectively you will need to be committed to making it work.

Most affiliate program will give us a unique URL, though these methods work
(especially ezine advertising ) they are limited to how long the ad stays visible. We cannot generate long-term promotion by just submitting ads using that URL.

Also, we are unable to change the company’s website that you promote . In other words, we cannot participate in banner exchange , swap links in some cases we cannot even get in the search engines.

The absolute best ways to promote your affiliate program are through:

1. A website of our own. Promoting affiliate programs whether it be mlms or any other affiliate program where you are given a unique URL is limiting without a website of our very own. There are literally thousands of ways to promote if we have our own website. Therefore, it is imperative that you decide how serious you are about your business and to what level you wish to take your business.

2. Get a free site and domain name.

Find an inexpensive website that already provides means for HTML coding or we could purchase we own domain name and build it from scratch. Obviously, the free site is the less expensive and the domain name is the most expensive.

With our own domain, we can totally spread our wings and do this right. The doors that open to us are unlimited and so will the income be.

3. One of the best ways to use our website in this scenario is to provide a testimonial. The testimonial would be bunches of good stuff we think about company and at the end we would provide a link to company that we promote. So the reader can check it out for themselves.

4. Write your sales letter from an informative approach. In other words, make your sales letter look like it’s article full information. The slowly revolve your sales letter to ward your opportunity, then encouraging them to click through.

5. Provide quality content related to your topic to keep the visitor on your site for as long as possible, which builds trust.

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Everyone should be ready to be a leader on affiliate program

By Erny Setyawati

The purpose to join Affiliate program sells products or program others company on line. Selling products and program not only do by on line, but also be done by direct marketing. New comers can promote to families, friends, and coworker that are so near with them, before getting benefits from their business on line. Why do we suggest doing by off line? Because new comers should learn about marketing online before taking steps too far. It needs, not enough one-month, two months, but we must learn when we decide to join affiliate program. We have conclusion that being affiliate never stops to learn.
We should prepare our mental to face many obstacles, struggle to achieve success. There are a few mental psychologies that we should have:

1. We should be ready to spend money to invest.

New affiliates are astonished after signing up. They think that joining Affiliate program, just only signing up and stopped. Money will come automatically.

As matter of fact, we spend much money for promotion, buying products and others need. Joining affiliate program without money is impossible. Companies that have affiliate program always offer residual income. Please consider! You should be careful to select! Few companies are not professional to do, but the others do best

2. We should be ready to face many obstacles.

New comers usually get frustration to face obstacles. How difficult to get new leads. The frustrations get more when leads on their down line never do action. So learning the strategy how to market on line is suggested.

3. We should be patient, passion and has endurance.

Affiliate program is not as easy as imagine. Achieved successful on Affiliate program takes long time. Need patient, passion, and endurance. New comers fail and give up continuing, because of desperate. Motivation from up line or from consultant that much know about Internet marketing solution is needed.

4. We should be ready to be leader.

Leader! Yes! You should be ready to be Leader. You should know much about the company that you join as affiliate.

The company usually publishes newsletters to affiliates. The newsletter always inform about everything, articles, marketing strategy, marketing tool, free website, technology information support and others. You can use all of your company facilities before you take from others. You should give information as much as possible to your down line about company potential. Therefore, your down line duplicates your action and successful is belonged to you.

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Monday, July 16, 2007

Seven Strategies How to Begin and Running Affiliate Program

By Erny Setyawati

Beginning 1996 internet is very popular in the world and communication between countries become so easy and fast. Companies do business manually become change to use information technology. By using internet technology, peoples could access every think what they want. The changing way of life, make peoples create internet home business. Companies and owners of internet home business create affiliate program. By implement this strategy, every one could sell products and programs. They would receive commission from the company and the owner. Affiliate program is so popular now, but not every one know how to begin and running it.
They sign up, only interested in gaining much money. The laziness to learn, less work hard, less motivation and limited knowledge become obstacles for new comers on affiliate program. The questions come to us, is it extra difficult to implement affiliate program? Let us explain to you. Just seven strategies we should pay attention:

1. Choose the best affiliate program.
There are many business opportunity available every day. Some are good, some are frauds, and some are absolutely prefect. As new comers of affiliate program should know first, the business reputation. You should learn much about the company, the guarantee, business planning, residual income etc. New comers never read the prospect of the company, but just sign up and finish.
2. Learning much.
Learning is key success on affiliate program. After finding the best affiliate program and sign up, your next step action is learning. You could enhance your knowledge from e book, ezine that talking about internet home business. There are ezines available today. You could be subscribers free. Choose ezines that talking about internet home business, business marketing solution etc. After learning about marketing on line, prepare to run your business. The company usually publishes a newsletter for period time. Read and learn it. Form the newsletter; you would know much about the company itself.
3. Try getting leads.
Leads are important key to run affiliate program, without leads your affiliate program is nothing. Try getting leads as many as possible, because only few of them are serious to implement your program. How do you get leads? Promote and place advertisement on ezine. Ezines offer free ad. You can also promote your affiliate program to peoples live around you, to your family, relatives, coworkers, or neighborhoods. Writing article is the best promotion choice to choose. By writing article will create the best image that you are professional on your field.

4. Contact your leads.
New comers forget to contact their leads after getting them by hard work and spend much money. They let them free without take care, suggestions, and contact. They think to leave them free, can work by themselves. You should contact your leads continuously. Give personal assistant to them. Try to give information in order to duplicate your successful.

5. Create the newsletter.

You could create simple newsletter for your leads. The content of your newsletter, talking about strategies how to market affiliate program, business tool, marketing tool that belong company, you have joined.
Taking article from others ezines is the best idea. Many ezines offer free article to take. You can select the article that appropriate with your affiliate program.

6. Give motivation.

Motivation can influence peoples to do that we suggest. Give motivation continuously to your leads. Give appreciated to your leads every step that they gain. Warm thanks make them motivation to do the others action. Give them understanding that gain successful on affiliate program will take time, patient, and passion.

7. Do not give up before success.

You should be ready to be leader on affiliate program. The successful on affiliates program depend of the leader. The leader should have strong motivation and never desperate to face obstacles. There is a wisdom word, there is sow, there is reap. T the conclusion is as the leader of affiliate program should have the simple words should follow; do not give up before success.

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7 Tips how to gain trust through your own website

By Erny Setyawati
Affiliates program always offer free website, beside many blogging builders offer
the same way, but reality, internet Marketers tend to build their own website. They think that free websites have too long domain name and difficult to remember. Building our own website, we can create what we wish. However, we must remember several tips so that your website will be trust by prospects.
There are seven tips to remember;

1. Have a detailed about us page
About us page is important role on your website. People will know, the purpose, history, the founder of website etc.

2. Easy navigation and fast to access
Long time access and complicated navigation; make your prospect run away before reading.
Have quality contain

3. The good contain makes your prospect stay long on your website and some day changes to be your loyal visitor.

4. Publish a newsletter
Publish a newsletter is wiser, so that you can communicate with your customers continuously. Create good contain newsletter, with the topic the same as with your website.

5. Never break a promise
Keep promise is key to make your customers trust. If you promise publishing a Newsletter twice a month, you should keep it. Do not make your customers disappointed.

6. Do not place many images
Many images on your website make your visitors dizzy. Place an image on suitable place. Visitors come to your website because looking for of some think, not others.

7.Publish testimony
Testimony from your loyal customers is so important to make your others visitor trust. Do not forget include their photo.

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