Thursday, July 31, 2008



Marnie Pehrson

Everyone has fundamental rules, postulates or beliefs by which they live and work. There is significant

documentation for the fact that beliefs determine actions, and actions induce results. In learning about what works for other business people, we can combine their philosophies about business with our own to lead us to even greater success. I asked several businesspeople to share with me their mantras or mottoes for success; and here they are.

What You Sow Is What You Reap

"When it comes to life or business, what goes around, comes around" says Alanna Webb of "I try to remember that in business -- especially when it comes to competition and dirty business tactics. It's been my experience that honesty and integrity win out in the end." Another
thought along these lines was shared by Jamie Brown of who says, ''There is a season for sowing and a season for reaping.'' We may not reap the results of today's planting
for many months or even years to come.

Run with Diligence

Sabrina Van Dyke explains: ''In this business I am not running a race, I am running a marathon. My reward after that marathon? It is knowing that I've helped change lives and
gained new friends!'' I apply this ''motto'' to my business because one achieves greatness by taking the little, but necessary steps that it may take to reap the rewards. I know that in doing my business I must get a few ''no's'' before I get to a ''yes''. The ''yes'' may not come right away (race), but if you keep
plugging right along (marathon) and say that it's okay to get ''no's'' because the more ''no's'' you get, the closer you are in getting the ''yes'' (finish line).''

Paths Change

''Choosing a new path today does not mean that the prior years were wasted'' is the motto of Paul Henderson of The Boss Magazine at ''This came to me after sharing with friends and family the goal of publishing my magazine a few years ago. Everyone said I was too old to start something new. I had a job, why create a new one? When I told them I wanted to try my hand at acting
in theatre, they told me I was too old. When I let people know I do not date or plan to remarry, they say I will be sorry when I get old. I did start my business, I tried out, and got the part in several plays and was paid, and I know lots of people who marry in their 50's, 60' s and beyond. I am only 35 years old today and I was told these things several years ago. Never let go of what you feel you need to do to be happy, because, ''Choosing a new path today does not mean the prior years were wasted''

Keep Doing What You're Doing, You'll Keep Getting What You're Getting

Stephanie Knobel of
says, ''It always sticks out. Every time I am getting frustrated by something, not enough hits to a site, a cheating husband (g), I think 'if you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting what you're getting...' and it helps me totally switch gears.''

What Are You Gonna Do?

'''What are you gonna do?' is my mantra,'' says Jenette Rotatori-Zubero, strategist and coach. ''For example, if I'm following my heart on an issue and I know other's aren't going to agree, I'll say, 'well, what are you gonna do?' Asking myself this question helps to bring out possible solutions there might be or it helps to clarify that there might be nothing I choose to do about it. If there are solutions I'm willing to work on, then great... I know what ''I'm gonna do about it,'' but if I'm not willing to act on possible solutions, then that's okay, too. The question helps me to realize that as long as I'm doing

what's true to my own heart, then not to worry too much about what other's think.''
I Can Make a Difference

Cathleen Fillmore, a writer and speaker who coaches and publishes a marketing newsletter for speakers, says, ''I give talks on telling the truth. One thing I say and try to apply to my life is: ''We don't suffer from delusions of grandeur, we suffer from delusions of insignificance.'' We tend to think we're smaller than
we really are and overlook that divine spark within. We sometimes think what we do doesn't really matter in the larger scheme of things. It does.''

Nothing Can Take the Place of Persistence

Lucinda Jenkins of Glennbrook Farms Herbs and Such says, ''I have sitting right here by my computer for the times when I question
myself or just want to give up, a quote by Earl Nightingale, 'Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; there is nothing more commonplace than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education alone will not; the world is full of educated
derelicts. Persistence and Determination alone are omnipotent.'''

Trust Your Instincts

Cheryl Demas of says, ''I always try to remember to trust my instincts. It seems that whenever I've gotten into a bad situation has been when I've let someone talk me into something that didn't 'feel' right, or let them convince me that they knew my situation better than I knew it myself. I've decided that no one knows my business and my unique situation as well as I do, and I try to
remember to trust myself and my own judgement now.''

Never be Afraid to Try

''Never be afraid to try are probably more of an expert than you thought.'' says Caroline of A Moms Love ''For example when I began my cooking business, I was an excellent cook, but I was a little unsure that my skills were marketable. I could have stopped right there and said.... nope I am too timid to step out and take a chance. Instead, I proceeded, took a course from an expert which gave me the confidence and push that I needed. But, I was much more of an expert than I thought. I believe most of us do not venture out into avenues we would like to because of fear of failure or because we are intimidated by our self-expectations or perhaps by others' imagined or real criticism. We may be missing out on a whole new world by not taking that first step, which is to realize...expertise begins somewhere.''

Don't Forget the Elbow Grease

''The only place that success comes before work, is in the dictionary,'' is the motto
of Amy Schamburek of ''To be successful is something that you work at being, it just does not happen without a little know how and determination. Success is measured differently for each person. In my business what is failure to one is success to another. I measure my success by how much work it took and how it makes me feel. It can apply to your home life as well. My marriage is successful because I work at it.''

Marcia Rosen, author of ''The Woman's Business Therapist:

Eliminate the MindBlocks and RoadBlocks to Success'' published by Chandler House Press, says, ''It's great to believe the universe will provide for you, that you can hope and pray for what you want and need, however, I think it is absolutely essential to also take action, and sometimes massive action to get what you want and need.''

BONUS: Create Once, Sell Many

I'll add one of my own here to give you 11 mottoes for success. Mine is ''Create Once, Sell Many.'' Use anything you create 5 or 6 times. For example, an article you write can be turned into a special report that you give as a bonus item when people by your products. It can be used as a section in a book, or you
can use it as a hand-out for a seminar or the basis of a teleclass. Stretch the mileage from every creation.

So there you have them, the 10 Mottoes for Success & your bonus 11th. Incorporate
them into your daily routine and note the differences they make in your life and business.

The Author
Marnie PehrsonLearn more about rules of success Marnie Pehrson is an author, creator of
/,,, and more. She is the author of inspirational books like Lord, Are You Sure? and historical fiction such as The Patriot Wore Petticoats. She also helps people earn money
from home. For more information on her projects, visit http://

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