Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Few serious symptoms
, you must know about diabetes mellitus
By Erny Setyawati

We have many risks to consume much sweet food and drink. We can get sweet taste from many sources of drink and food. You can find sweetness content from sucrose, lactose, fructose, maltose and glucose. The ingredient contents above will be found in vegetables, fruits, refined sugar, corn syrup, honey, include rice. Normal people have amount of sugar content between 60/ 80 mg before eating and 120/160 after eating. Consume over sweetness from food or drink make our sugar content increase from normal.
You must know few serious indications that people tend to have diabetes mellitus, because of consume so much sweetness content.

1. Poliuria ( The increasing of volume urine)
You feel symptom, want to urine many times.

2. Polidipi ( great thirst)
You feel symptom, want to drink every time, because of great thirst.

3. Polifagia ( week and weight loose )
You feel symptom that your weight tend to decrease and week.

4. Hyperglikemia
You feel symptom that your sugar content tend to increase.

5. The others indications that you must care, felling itching, numb and your eyes feel hazy.
Diabetes mellitus can not be healed, but we can control by right diet. Serious caused of diabetes mellitus can effects to optical nerve, glaucoma, cataract, and retinopatti diabetica (diabetes that attack retina )


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