Sunday, September 9, 2007

The strategies how to prevent from liver disease.

By Erny Setyawati

The bad habits to eat junk food, fast food and never doing sport make effect to our important organ. Consume fat food as daily menu can create serious disease, such as liver, cancer and heart attack. All bad habit above make our body overweight and tend to create fatty liver, called nonalcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD. The risk of overweight and fatty liver can create toxin in your body, in the long run, create cancer in your liver. Before your liver to be serious disease and create cancer in your liver, do efforts before too late. Doing strategies to prevent is the best than do nothing.

1. Decrease your weight step by step
If you are afraid to have nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, try to decrease your weight. The overweight make your liver fatty. The risks, your liver will work hard to clean blood and eliminate bacteria. Decrease your weight step by step, help to decrease risk to get NAFLD disease. If you have time, doing sport is good for your health. Do not do hard diet. Decrease your weight 3,5 pond for one week, can make your health condition worst.

2. Eat yogurt
Fatty liver can affect your digestion worst, make bacteria keep in liver. The food can not be digested, fermented to be alcohol that makes your liver broken. Try to consume yogurt that create good bacteria, so that killed bad bacteria. Based on research from Tennessee University says that people always consume yogurt, decrease weight almost 22 % and your weight decrease 61 % than not eat yogurt.

3. Decrease your cholesterol
Do diet and sport to decrease your cholesterol, because high cholesterol has risk to be nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

4. Detect drug that you consume
Based on research, almost 500 of drugs sell in the drugstores contain acetaminophen with highest dose that effect to your liver, and have high risk to fatty liver. Consult to your doctor and pharmacist to analyze the drugs that you drink.

5. If you feel so tired and sick in your right above stomach or have high cholesterol, diabetes. Suggest going to the laboratory to test your blood for ALT.

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