Sunday, July 1, 2007

The strategies how to decrease your stress

By Erny Setyawati

We try to decrease stress through many ways. We eat chocolate, going shopping to Mall, relax to the beach, calling friend to chat or eat varieties of food without stopping, so that our body becoming fat. Many ways that we try to decrease stress, in the long run, make us bored so that the stress come again in our live. We need the others way or new breakthroughs to manage our stress. There are few solutions; you can do in your life. Let’s try now.

1. Build yourself confident
Stress comes or our self esteem decreases as if we can not face our problems better. You feel sad and depression. Based on survey, there is link between stress and low self confident. We should make notes of achievements that you have made. Place the achievements notes on the wall or on the refrigerator that you can read every time. You feel great when you have seriously problem. Reality, you have capable and brilliant so that you are ready to face critic and under estimated by others.

2. Make stress mapping
We should find caused of our stress and made notes all of stress that you success to find the solution. If you feel happy when implement the solution and try again.

Take folic acid and Vitamin B
Do not drink coffee and eat cakes when you are stress. Take folic acid and Vitamin B for the solution. Folic acid and vitamin B can help your body products serotonin that make you feel happy and think positive.
Consume broccoli, green vegetables, lemon, banana and serially. Take contain of vitamin B from tuna, salmon and egg.

4.Pretending to laugh
Stress make you lost sense of humor. The situation makes you always think negative, whereas laughing treats your stress. Based on study, laughing can decrease cortisol (one of stress hormone), and improve hormone serotonin. Pretend to make laugh although you do not want to laugh.

5. Meditation
The psychology expert suggests implementating simple ways to clean from negative thinking. Sit down with closing eyes, your hands on thighs, inhale breath through noses. Imagine that you release all your stress from your body. Do it for 10 minutes and relax for few minutes.

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